The Pursuit of His Best is Andrew's primary writing outlet. He also drops tidbits of wisdom or fun quotes from time to time via Twitter and/or Facebook. The most extensive writing pursuit to date was helping to write and edit the book JUMP: Life Transformation with Jeff Baird and Vernon Armitage. He also recently edited the book by Danee Dekonty called Scorpions, Scones, and Your Favorite Playlist.
The Quotable Andrew Allen
-Consider who it is, where & what you want to be in the future. Future you will arrive where current you takes you. Let it be a path and place that future you is glad you took.
When you include God in life decisions, closed doors open, heartaches
are avoided, opportunities emerge, and outcomes are maximized.
-No mater where you’re at, choose joy and keep pinging your thoughts back to God’s best in your life.
-When the road is long allow God to fill you up, to breathe life into you, and to carry you in His hands.
-Good parenting requires intentionality.
-When people wish you sweet dreams are they wanting you to dream of ice cream, cupcakes, and chocolate chip cookies?
-Sometimes it's best to just shoot straight with God.
-If you spent as much time in prayer as you did on social media, how would it impact your life?
-God loves you, sees you, knows where you’re at, and desires good things for you in this season of life. Most of all He wants to walk with you and for you to know and experience Him more deeply.
-Artists have a responsibility to not just comment on and perpetuate the environment but to use their influence to affect positive change.
-God loves you always. Yesterday, today, and forever.
-Step up to the microphone and share your song with the world. You sing it best, steward it well.
-By seeking God even in the hardest parts of life you can focus on becoming a better you and not a bitter you.
-Life's a team sport and we need you playing at the top of your game. So
get in there and do the things that you're so good at.
-Don’t let unmet past hopes
for present circumstances dominate your current attitude and future steps. Live
fully where you’re at, always keeping your eyes on God’s best in each
-Throughout the dance of life, let the Lord of the dance lead and guide you
in something beautiful.
-When God's love fills you up, hurts are healed, wrongs can be forgiven, and hearts are set free.
-The prayer closet can be a wonderful place for engaging with God. Be
careful though, not to hide there when He wants to use you as His hands
and feet to answer someone else's prayers.
-Don't be paralyzed by the fear of failure. Even in failure doors can open that wouldn't otherwise be accessible. Step out in faith.
-Laugh freely, pray continually, love unconditionally. The secret sauce to life is found in these ingredients.
-If you lead a horse to water but it won't drink, feed it salty chips.
-Don't let the chickens out of the coup before they're hatched.
-When used wisely, influence can increase but can just as easily be lost if not carefully stewarded. Don’t give away your influence to something that’s not on target.
-Aspire to live in such
a way that everything you say and do nudges people closer and closer to Jesus.
will always be attracted to and seek out beautiful things. Rather than
settling for cheap imitations or counterfeit beauty, choose to
experience the authentic beauty of God’s creation.
-With 5 of 6 food groups covered surely Carrot Cake counts as a full meal.
-Every time I kill a bug I feel a little gangsta. I be like bugs don’t be creepin round here…yo.
-Giving your word costs nothing, keeping it may be a different story.
-The school of hard knocks has expensive tuition but thankfully you can learn from graduates rather than enroll yourself.
days at Sunday School I get to impart spiritual truths into
kindergarteners, some days I'm just thankful for no bloodshed.
-You don't have to eat grits to be Southern but why wouldn't you? Grits are great!
-Awesomeness isn't about accolades, fame, or recognition. It's about being the hands and feet of Jesus to the world. That's the kind of awesome that shapes eternity.
-It's important to distinguish between the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the prompting of the burrito you had for lunch.-Whoever invented carrot cake was brilliant. Dessert & veggies all in one.
-Worship music devoid of authentic connection with God can attain little more than shallow entertainment. The presence of the Holy Spirit is vital.
-Worms should just sleep in and get up late, they’d at least be well rested when facing the early birds.
-Power naps restore, rejuvenate, and make one powerful. Try one today for free.
-Money might not buy happiness but it can buy a Chick-fil-a sandwich and a large sweet tea and that's about the same thing.
-The One who cares
for the birds of the air
is also in love with you
-Intentional conversation with God during peace and quiet facilitates staying in tune with Him when the battle is thickest.
-The early bird may get the worm but personally I don’t think worms would taste very good.
-The love of God is unencumbered by the constraints of time. It is infinite, echoing throughout all eternity.
-Don’t ever settle for something that doesn’t bring you alive and light your fire. The world’s got enough darkness. It needs you shining brightly.
-There is great joy in that sweet spot of God’s blessing, your talents, and the things you love.
-Let us seek the intersection of our passions, unique giftings, and God’s calling in our lives for it is there that we’ll find unparalleled joy and effectiveness in our work.
-Smiling is a great way to become better looking and it doesn't cost a thing.
-Let your life be so rich in experience and full of adventure that when it’s bedtime kids ask to hear your story. No one else can live your story; make it a good one.
-Before letting someone into your heart, first make sure that Jesus has all of it.
-When God is your chief desire, you will always be filled and never left wanting.
-If things don’t work out quite like you’d hoped, keep trusting God and the book that He wrote.
-Dream big dreams, make big plans, and pray to that end. God is big enough to do more than all we can ask or imagine.
-When life brings a storm your way, don't wait for it to pass. Dance in the rain! (paraphrased from elsewhere)
-False hope and cheap imitations of joy promoted by the world are revealed as shallow when juxtaposed with life in Christ. Lasting joy and satisfaction will only be found in fixing our eyes on Jesus and running the race of life in His power.
-Trust in God makes worry unnecessary
-Great leaders don't allow people to remain in the comfort of good enough but rather push them towards the best.
-A risk of apologetics is that the argument may be won but the heart lost.
-Walk in the truth that the victory is already won, the outcome determined, and the power of God will prevail.
-Before Tony the Tiger, there was Manna. ''when the dew had gone up, there was on the face of the wilderness a fine, flake-like thing, fine as frost on the ground'' -Exodus 16:14
-For the record, southern cooking by mama is the best food EVER!
-Saying "Y'all" wins friends and influences people.
-May your mind be filled with thoughts of God, what He's done and is doing in you. May you fall more in love with Him and let His joy fill your heart.
-Knees dirtied in prayer make clean and holy souls.
-A secret to staying poor is to consistently spend more than you earn.
-It is in the crucible of tough stuff that you find out if your faith is real or fair weathered.
-Worship is an outward expression and acknowledgement of the inner workings of God.
-The transformational power of God in our lives is directly related to the passion and fervency of our prayers.
-Great creativity and productive endeavors can result through the elimination of television watching.
-Is comfort and good enough holding you back from moving toward the best?
-When I pursue God with all my heart, mind, and strength I am most joyful and He is most glorified.
-Everyone wants power in some measure, whether a lot or a little, for selfish or selfless reasons, for good or evil. Seek to use that which is given, wisely.