Saturday, August 02, 2014

Seek First

"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you." -Matthew 6:33

Have you tried to fill yourself with things you think you want but not pursued God with all your heart? This will leave you discontent with where you are in life. He wants more for you and will give you all your heart desires if you seek Him first. The first to know your name, to see you, to delight in you. You are His child.

The enemy has stolen from you and attacked your heart and who the Father has made you to be. This is not His best for you. You were made for joy, to listen to His voice, and walk by His side. Nothing can compare to or separate you from His love, child of the King. Listen to His voice and rest in the goodness of His love.

In pursuit of His best,


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