Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Spaghetti Score

We now introduce the Spaghetti Score. This will serve as a means to count the number of times the author eats spaghetti. This tasty bit of Italian cuisine serves as a staple in my diet and I thought it would be entertaining to track how frequently I partake. The rules of the game include spaghetti eaten with or without sauce. Each meal will increment the score by 1.

A counter titled Spaghetti Score will reside in the column to the right and will track number of times spaghetti has been eaten as a meal since June of 2007. As of this writing, the current score is 4. Stay tuned for updates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew, I am changing some accounts and in the process ran across your blog. . . nice touch with the spaghetti counter.

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