Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Poem: Your Love

Red Roses
I've searched the world and never found a love as pure as yours
in beautiful and darkened places, peacetime and in war

From towering cathedrals to distant galaxies
your love is vast and infinite for all eternity

Constant, never changing it doesn't ebb and flow
your love is unconditional in every high and low

In times of good in times of bad in all that I go through
no matter what the circumstance your love is always true

Your love is always true

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Stinking Selfishness

Stinky Garbage
Have you ever had the experience of smelling something bad but couldn’t quite figure out what it was or where it was coming from? If not identified and dealt with soon, it eventually gets bad enough that the location becomes readily apparent.  Even though it’s unpleasant, to leave it there would mean continued stinkyness and possibly serve as an invitation to critters you’d probably rather not be in close proximity to.

Sometimes selfishness can be like that. Something may not feel quite right in your life but it isn’t immediately identifiable.  Looking out for yourself is not inherently bad but pursuit of self-interest to the exclusion of closely walking with God leads down a path for which the reward is emptiness.

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 2:4-5

He gifts each of us with abilities and talents not for self-glorification but for serving Him and others. There's nothing wrong with doing what He’s gifted you at with excellence; just make sure the focus is in the right place.

Selfish desires have a way of getting us off track and into things that we later regret. If nothing else, they keep us from spending time with God and pursuing His plans for our lives. That in itself should be enough motivation to consistently examine the heart’s motives and desires.

If you find something stinky, don’t hesitate in taking out the trash. Replace it instead with pure living water. (John 7:37-38

Is there any selfishness stinking up your life?

In pursuit of His best,

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